Friday, May 15, 2009

Girls and Boys

"Girls will like boys to be boys to be girls......always should be someone you reaaaalleeee loooovvvve!!................"

Yeah thats tha Blur song.....and its so true isnt it?

Was reading Asiaone's forum headlines, its getting bad to worse with slezy low class topis like Spore girls sleeping with ang moh men, wife affair with some men, SG girls all bad and materialistic, SG girls demanding and fierce.....and the list goes on....

I really wonder who are the loser guys writing all these stuff?? are they being dumped or just plain insecure and low self esteem? Sigh....we always complain that the reason we are single is sometimes SG guys being hopeless - no drive, no looks, no ambition, not expressive...etc..sometimes i take a step back and think "hey maybe we are too demanding cuz not all guys are perfect...." but with postings like that! boy! i think we are right. sad to say.

most of those still available are as also searching for gold when they are just er s***. i would think most of us girls here are ok, are we demanding? i think most of us just want simple sincere guys. dont think we need someone who is v v rich or good looking. but most of these guys feel we want the moon. hmmm...those better ones are really taken huh........

are pple really happy in their marriage? all to do with expectations. and the expectations are definitely mis matched at the moment.

2 years

another time flies entry.....haiz! fast its been 2 years since my short stint in Zhangjiagang. Going to China and work was exciting.....i felt finally something different, honestly i wasnt really scared of the environment and stuff in china, perhaps cuz i will be there with colleagues from spore and stuff. little was know about fact its such a small chinese town!...but just to show the world is actually quite huge..... ZJG was a really clean town with nice people, reallu unlike what most people will think of China - dirty, polluted, unsafe, backwards....3rd world country.

In fact in ZJG, it was just like any middle class town. housewives going for evening walks and jobs, convenience stores, supermarket with pre packed food. hair salons. My hotel - Jiangnan Hotel was nice. wasnt 5 star but cosy and clean enough. the staff were friendly esp the housekeeping lady. definitely more sincere and professional than spore service staff.

sure it was sleepy but it was adequate. maybe not so for me cuz i still need glitzy orchard rd type shops and images.

in fact, there were lots of rich people in ZJG too....i actually saw a lady drive a Bentley!!! no joke.

its weird, u see some odd people around that seems very well to do in this sleepy town. they make their appearance now and then.

I miss the canteen food, well some dishes. the cold dishes esp. and the Blue + White Deli. yup.....deli china style. a great selection of cold side dishes too. And the rather good public bus system. announcement at every stop! and also annoncement to tell u its turning left and right, to hold on. wow.

but alas, most people in ZJG were locals, they did not have same lifestyle as me. it was boring after a while. Shanghai was a better place to stay for me that is. and my boss was kinda creepy sometimes. so farewell after 3mths.

came back to spore, felt good and fresh but after a while, back to square one.

jurong island sucks. so glad i got out of that place. it was soul-less grey and cold. empty. sad.
sometimes i wonder how did i get into this? i am totally dis-interested in all the technical stuff and have no desire to craft out any career out of it. i am in the wrong place.

starting out in gas was alright, it was sales after all so it was bearable, furthermore colleagues were ok. it was fun. but to excel in this org means you have to prob do some island stuff. dont think its my cup of tea. so what the hell i am doing here? sigh..... stupid lawyer just sent stupid email.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A bit of refreshment.......

Just found out that the wonderful Japanese casual dining chain - Watami is heading its way to Spore!! Yay! It will opening its first outlet here in ION Orchard. finally! i first tried Watami in HK in 2003, the food is really rather excellent and ambience great. more importantly its very affordable. the famous Watami Salad is a MUST TRY! dunno what they put in there but it taste magical.

now just hope its the same mgt from HK cuz the food is definitely better that the watami i tried in japan! yes can u believe it? HK better than the orginator in Japan. they also have all these wonderful cocktails and dessert at like HK$10 each. ah......please please be the same in spore too.

more often than not, things get watered down when arrive in spore. like concerts u know.

ok, thats one fresh piece of news that sounds exciting...other than that, life is becoming very grey and stale. perhaps cuz i am also not feeling well. same ol stupid question of mid 30s crisis....ah....i dunno if its just me or what. times have changed, so i guess our expectations get higher and higher, things move faster and faster.

read Stomp....its a really disgusting website now.....not stomp alone but all the forums on Asiaone. lots of slezey topics. and also topics on SG girls and ang moh men??? i really dun get it? why are local guys so bitter about things like that? its not even half true......its worrying how insecure these pple are. the more they act like this, the more local gals are just gonna look else where. sigh......

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Spring has arrived!

Cherry Blossom
Originally uploaded by Robbiekuromi
first time seeing a cherry blossom tree in my life! you would think its just a tree with flowers......white flowers but its nothing like that. seeing it bloom in the splendid spring air is something rather breathtaking. its really beautiful!