Friday, February 06, 2009

Heshe Jeans

Suddenly recalled this hot brand in the it was D place to shop for basic apparrels! something like your Uniqlo now but in a more multi colour format.

my first cool adult like item was this red tight skirt from Heshe. heh heh. they had many 80s like colours for their jeans, demin fushia(spelling), tuquiose, purple, yellow! indigo etc....and the boutiques were 80s disco cool too! haha....iron grids, dark walls, warm lightning....and of course 80s music.

things were definitely more groovy then. now retail is big, bright, massive assortment, multi items...and gimmicky promotions. nothing special if u ask me. one store from the other, most gives u the same feeling.

perhaps its the lack of creativity in the ID of the shop. everything is about the SALES. of course sales is impt for the survivial but most shops tend to lack any form of identity.
u can say its so corporate in some ways.

just went for a retail course preview. it was at NYP. the course sounds great with luxury retailing and retail Biz Dev inside...aims to also raise the level of Service Quality in Spore. but when i called to check if my registration is confirmed and if the preview is still on....the retail lecturer answer the phone and said " yah?! whos that!?......"well its has to be confirmed right!!?" much for our service standard vision....sigh!.....