Friday, January 12, 2007


Went to watch the eason chan concert last sat. it was really quite impressive.
Maybe my expectations were low ……but I think I did enjoy the concert more in spore than HK. Furthermore…aiyo cheap seats really far far far.
And the sound system in spore is really THE BEST! The Clearest! The Best Engineered!
After watching concerts in HK, Tw, Msia, Japan….nobody beats the sound in spore! Honest.

Although the HK set was much more elaborate with costumes, dancers, monsters, automatic props….but somehow eason seems so far away from everyone.
He did put his whole heart into singing but there wasn’t much of a connection with the viewers.
The flow of the concert was smooth. He started out with some fast energetic numbers and then later moved into mid tempo and then the ballads with a mini-orchestral. The music arrangement was really brilliant

In Singapore, it was a simple set up with a good band. It wasn’t that simple in a sense the stage was rather wide where eason could prance around and the lightning was rather stylish. He did 4 costume change which was fine also. Although the crowd needed about 30-45mins to warm up, the connection was clearly there. Eason also put in effort to attend to the shy sporean crowd…he must have been warned or felt nervous about it as well. At the end of the concert, everyone naturally could feel his enthusiasm and rushed to the front of the stage. Pple were getting HIGH! For the last number, eason dance around like a highly charged Duracell bunny….!!

It was simply a quality performance and so glad that I was part of it. Only thing I shld have done was get the top seats. Its really not everytime u get a concert this good.