Thursday, June 29, 2006


Finally got my chocolate! thanks to this!....hmmm.....power of marketing nowadays is incredible.

but glad with my purchase.....just heard some songs on the phone some classic alt rock songs. funny feeling to realise that Smashing Pumpkins suddenly sound so dated :( ah....... we all have to move with the times...sigh....

actually forgotton about MKNSS for a while since Feb ...but recently some discussion on it revived my interest in this wonderful show. last nite even dream of HB! aiyo.....i was at some class learning something...and he is one of the students!! haha.....he could actually speak rather good korean accented english and asked me some questions. he was extremely polite and with that megawatt smile and built...can faint! anyway dream ended there.

Friday, June 23, 2006

So mature? or immature?

Saw some posting from crazy MNKSS fans, they virtually can translate every interview, post every picture...but i like their dedication. this craze will not last forever so just enjoy every bit of it.

......HB is quite a typical MCP, and also Blood B type of guy.....but hmm...being MCP doesnt really mean bad...i think sometimes a man got to take the lead.

Hyun Bin Said......


During an interview, he was asked about Sam Soon (Suna) too. He joked, "I also can't remember who Sam Soon is!" (Excuse me, he just went visiting her the day before!)


"My ideal type is a kind person, eats well and could understand the fact that I'm an actor. Someone like Sam Soon in the drama. (Suna said he's like Sam Shik, and now he says his ideal type is someone like Sam Soon. Wow, they really are capable of reading each other's minds!)

当前辈金善雅站在他面前的时候,他真的很紧张,事先准备好的的见面词忘的干干静静,只知道 低着头微笑,让善雅姐姐以为他是个很难搞的人,好在在日后的拍摄过程中,玄彬逐渐暴露出他腼腆善良的个性,每次拍到亲热戏,他都比金善雅还要紧张,坐力难安的摸样让人觉得可爱(奇怪!拍吻戏到底是谁更紧张啊?! )

When senior Kim Suna was standing in front of him, he was really nervous. The speech he prepared before the meeting was entirely forgotten; he only kept his head down and smiled. This gave Suna unnie a mistaken impression that he's very hard to please. Fortunately, during the filming later on, Hyun Bin showed his kind personality. Every time there was a kissing scene, he was more nervous than Kim Suna. The embarrassed look on his face was very cute. (This is weird! Exactly who was more nervous during the kissing scenes?!)


Hyun Bin: The girl I like, she'd have to understand the nature of my job, and she'd have to have a healthy appetite. Age doesn't matter, as long as she's not older than my mother.

玄彬的答案让人充满期待:“如果是真的喜欢,如果妈妈不反对,为什么不可以呢 ?”

Would you fall in love with a 30-year-old woman in reality?
Hyun Bin's answer gave us hope, "If I really like her, if my mother doesn't disagree, why not?"

玄彬透露了他的妈妈很喜欢三顺饰演者金善雅并多次要求玄彬带她去片场看金善雅,并说母亲心目中还是很认可这个“儿媳”的。(在得知宣儿有男友的情况下,腼腆的他还能这样说,真的很难得哟 )

Hyun Bin said that his mother really likes Kim Suna who played Kim Sam Soon and often asked him to bring her to the set to see Kim Suna. He said his mother approves of this "daughter-in-law" very much. (Knowing that Suna has a boyfriend, a shy person like him still made this statement? Now this is a rare situation.)


When I set the first look on a girl, and when I'm speaking to them, I do not look at her face. The first thing I'd look is her hands. I think I could see whether a girl is capable of becoming a good wife through her hands." Coincidentally, the same situation can be seen in KSS. When Hyun Bin were to make a choice between Kim Suna and Jeong Ryeo Won, he chose Kim Suna without a second thought. He said, "Actually, I don't care much about the appearance, the most important thing is having a kind heart."


When filming a commercial with Kim Tae Hee, he was asked whether there was any chemistry between them. He answered precisely, "Whether in the past, the present, or the future, Kim Tae Hee was, is, and will only be my senior. (The contrast between this and the answer he gave regarding Suna is really too obvious!)

玄彬到目前为止所交往过的女朋友都是同龄的或是年长的. “爱情跟年龄无关” 玄彬自認是注重「內在美」的男生,強調絕不會以貌取人,唯一條件就是要「熟女」。要擄獲他倆的心,只要展現真實自我,大吃大笑都沒關係,最重要的是不能耍任性,並能夠陪伴在工作滿檔的他倆身旁。(呵呵,其实你不说我们也知道哟!)

Until today, the girls Hyun Bin dated are either the same age as him or older. He said, "Love and age are unrelated." He sees himself as a guy who places more importance on a girl's inner beauty rather than her looks, and his only requirement is that she must be a matured woman. In order to capture his heart, she'd only have to act herself. It doesn't matter even if she eats a lot and laughs hard. But she can't be spoiled, and she should be able to accompany him when he's working. (Hehe, we know that even if you don't tell!)

如果真的有了喜欢的女生的话,我想要做理解她、照顾她、无微不至地关怀她的男人。女生们最喜欢的男生类型不就是这样吗?父母反对的恋爱绝对NO。实际上我是最最现实的人。 (想法真的好成熟啊 另外,如果你和宣儿....,父母一定支持的不得了吧!)

If I really like a girl, I'd want to be a man who could understand her and take care of her. Don't all girls like this type of guys? Relationship that my parents disapprove of is an absolute NO. Actually, I'm the MOST realistic person ever. (His thinking is really matured. But then again, if you ended up with Suna......your parents would of course support you whole-heartedly!)

对于将来要做一个什么样的丈夫这个问题,玄彬已经有了很具体的想法,"女人漂不漂亮,主要看她的厨艺,服饰和丈夫.也就是说,当女人做的一手好菜的时候,衣服穿得很性感的时候,以及身边站着一位出色的丈夫的时候,女人看起来格外美丽.我希望满足其中的一个条件,让自己的女人变得更美丽,前面两条她自己去努力就好,最后的一条有我负责."(呵呵,说的好啊 )

Regarding what kind of husband he'd want to be, Hyun Bin already has a very specific thought, "Whether a woman is considered pretty depends on her cooking skill, the way she dresses and her husband. Which means, when a woman cooks well, wears sexy clothes, and there is a charming husband standing beside her, she'd look expectionally pretty. I hope I could satisfy one of the three requirements in order to make my woman prettier. The first two requirements she'd have to work hard on her own, I'd be responsible for the last one." (Hehe, well said!)

如花美男’玄斌看到足球明星安贞焕夫妻的甜蜜生活后非常羡慕,他表示自己也产生了想结婚的想法(女朋友都没有,怎么一天到晚想结婚啊?! )

I must get married two years later! Wish I could marry someone like Sam Soon! We would love each other and live happily together. Isn't this a more rational choice (compared to his career)?
Pretty boy Hyun Bin admired football star Ahn Jung Hwan's life after marriage very much, and expressed that he wants to get married soon. (He doesn't even has a girlfriend, why is he thinking of getting married all the time?!)

我希望我的妻子能以我为荣。很多人拼命赚钱,都会为年老之后的的事情做准备,可是我觉得自己应该享受这个年龄应该享受的。在大学里我的确学到了不少东西,但是常要在现场学习的东西也很多。我好不容易才考上大学(中央大学话剧电影系),但是因为演戏的缘故,经常不能上学。尽管这样,我还是觉得应该拿到一张毕业证书才好,于是就一直坚持读完,因为我要考虑到我的儿女。小学的时候,孩子们都要填写家庭环境状况调查书,我希望孩子可以在父亲的学历一栏写上“大学毕业”几个字。当然,这并不是我读大学的全部原因,但至少占了其中的一部分。 (不仅有了妻子,还有孩子了,真的好成熟啊 )

I hope my wife would be proud of me. Most people spent their lives earning money to assure their life after retirement, but I think I should enjoy all I could at this age. Indeed, I learned a lot in university, but there are lots of things I could only learn practically. I put in a lot of effort in order to enter university (Chung-Ang University, film studies), but because I'm invovled in acting, I couldn't go to school most of the time. Even so, I still think I have to get a certificate, which is why I insisted to finish my studies. I think of my future children. Don't the kids have to fill in forms of family survey in primary school? I wish my kids could fill in the words "university graduate" in the "father's qualification" field. Of course, this is not the only reason I went to university, but it's at least one of the reasons. (Not only does he think of getting a wife, he thinks of having children too. How matured......)

国际在线娱乐报道:韩国当红帅哥玄彬一改往日青春阳光形象,留起长发,眼光流露温柔,走成熟路线。本以为Fans会有很大反应,但是多数Fans还是觉得玄彬是最帅的韩国男生。(虽然对此小玄没说什么,不过还是好啊好啊,成熟的好啊!! )

International online entertainment news reports that Korea's famous star Hyun Bin switched from his young, sunny image to a matured look. He started keeping a long hair-do and gave us a feeling of gentleness through his stares. At first, we thought the fans would react to this change furiously, but most of them still think Hyun Bin is the most handsome Korean guy ever. (Hyun Bin didn't respond to this. But being matured is a good thing!)

(对啊,所以你们的暧昧也是正常的 所以我们支持宣彬恋也是正常的 )

After the filming of this movie ended, I'd like to get a girlfriend. I have to. Because I'm at the suitable age. As a man, it's only normal that I love a woman.
(That's right! Which is why the ambiguity between you and Suna is normal. Which is why we support SunBin!)


他说:"不知道是什么时候遇到了初恋,也没跟她有过多少日子的交往,对她好象是产生了误会还是错觉,还没有把事情弄明白之前就已经失去她了.而直到失去后,我才明白自己原来很爱她!然而失去的东西真的很难寻回来了."这段让他痛惜的初恋让他明白:"恋人之间是绝对不可以随便说出分手这种话的.(所以,真的要好好珍惜现在所爱的哟! )

Lastly, I wish to discuss about something out of the topic, coz it seems everyone is interested about Binnie's first love.
He said, "I don't remember when I met my first love, and I didn't spend a lot of time with her too. I kinda misunderstood her or something and I never even got the chance to figure out the truth before I realised I already lost her. I only realized how much I loved her after the loss! But things that you lost are difficult to search for. This painful loss of his first love made him understand one thing, "Breaking up is not something you could simply say to your lover." (So, treasure your love now!)


P/S: It's very good innit? My god......I can't help but read it over and over......LOVED IT! credits to my dear Yi Soon!!!

Material World

Although its pay day coming...but got so many things i want. chinese lessons are almost completed and now its advance level 1....another $500.....i really want to continue. Teacher is good and even just listening to her once a week is better than none. At least some chinese exposure and interaction. So far, hate to admit that i am not exactly a handworking student but i like to listen to her stories on china, the culture revolution, history and great chinese people from the past. i think tell her that i am thinking of studying in Beijing, taking chinese history and culture. She will look out for me and said my standard currently shouldnt be a problem to get into the university courses! am not so sure about that.

I would prefer to take the History course in english ..... but living in Beijing would be a great opportunity.

Then another whammy is Isetan Bills, and other credit card bills. GSS doesnt nothing for my pocket...haha....seldome spend on skincare last time but now i am more particular and using H20 and Biotherm. these dun really come cheap and Its SOOO CRAZY now with skincare, lots of free gifts, discounts, VIP cards, demo, trial etc etc...everyone just out there to get us consumers.....out for the kill and usually being ladies we fall for it. who dun want free gifts, get younger and fairer skin....

SCV bills, internet bills.....if i own a car how? lagi worse.

And I am recently very tempted to get a new phone. My phone line has expired and can renew the line with a new phone. LG Chocolate is one of the hottest

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Jeff Quotes

from : Wo Bao (My Paper) - another one of Ah Zhe's comments.....sounds sad but i guess pple always put up a front....hmmm..just few weeks ago he just said Zhou Xun shouldnt fall in love cause when she does she becomes a 'stupid girl'...haha

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


The moment i came back from my chinese class, i quickly switch the TV from Da Chang Jin to the match between Japan and Australia. wah .....1-1....only about 10 mins left.... everyone expected Japan to win la...i mean Aust? one ever really heard they played football! but aiyoo..last 5 mins...really twist of fate man....Aust suddenly scored another goal! 2-1. i think all the japanese at the stadium and in japan were stunned and shocked for words!they were going to lose! and to aust!

more jialat is the japanese players suddenly seemed so lost on the field that aust scored another goal! 3-1!! and then it was over! hmmm.... can imagine the kind of disappointment of the millions of japanese people in front of their TV screens..
they expected to win. and they are one of the stronger asian teams but they didnt really play well.
Downunder, they must be having a real good and happy Tues!! eveyone must be so excited and thrilled!

football really has an effect on the whole world, the whole country can cry and laugh with the outcome of a match! really a pity for those countries who are not into the football action like US and Tw...etc..missing out on the excitement.

well, its Korea tonight.....hope they have a good match.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

New Generation fast...its Sunday.....weekend half gone. Later my sis going to sell some stuff at the Zouk flea market....hope its good. never been to any of their flea markets. curious what its like to see zouk in bright daylight! haha...i know they normally hold the CNY lunch party for old folks around that area every year too. indeed a cool place. its been renovated ... must go there and dance one day...been far too long!

its also gat time again, ah zhe will be in town soon, but sigh...i will be in japan! such good timing again...anyway, time to look out for a suitable place. he seem to love all the past few venues, esp outdoor spaces. he said its nice to see places like that in the heart of the city. places with greenery and big out door space. hardly can find any of these in taipei city. ..hmm..hope this time there is a new place to be discovered too. some places shortlisted already, just hope the prices are ok too.

while browsing thru some blogs, realised that quite a few teengaers like listening to ah zhe songs. one gal even said she ad friends got high at a mini party singing Guo Huo! even she laughed...but they really did cuz its such a K-song, a classic.
some said that Campus Supertar guy sounded like ahz zhe and hope he, with his distinctive vocals could be the next ah zhe, ....gald to know all this!

its weird cuz i thot most of them will just like jolin and jay etc but seems these pple do sing his songs at KTVs, and also classics from other superstars in the 90s like Faye, Jacky.....they keep saying their love to reminise about their primary sch days and all the good songs then. these pple are prob sec school, jc or poly now but i think there are definitely more "mature" in a way than my generation. some may even be just in kindergarten when songs like guo hou was the rage. well, at least they think more and also know what are good singers and what are the current fadish ones. they may also like the fadish ones but they also know how to appreciate the quality ones from the last decade. the 90s was truly the golden age of chinese pop. remember when i was in sec 2, i was crazy about early 80s stuff and wished i was born in the late 60s so that i will be in sec school in the mid 80s! the eng music in the 90s and late 80s were not very good.....quite sad actually..haha. it was only till near mid 90s that we got Grunge and Brit Pop. after that, i think pop music went all the way downhill. and Hip Hop/R&B took over.

not sure if i am the only one who felt that way. i did share this with haha...bernard lim when i wrote some feedback letter to him ages ages ago. and he felt it was amusing to hear it. he was one of those kids in the 80s...but dun think anyone at my age said that before.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Just read the new chinese free paper.....not bad...most of the articles have hanyu pinyin of the key words and also the english meaning. i think this is a good way to help us rojak singaporeans master better chinese.

there was an article on Jay Chou that he has broken up with gf Patty Hou....aiyah whats new?....but it seems this time he is really exposed as a playboy cuz now he says he never went out with her before! aiyo......this is bad.....apparently he is now with Hebe from S.H.E and they spend a month in London together. some tw tourist also saw them.

also reported that Jay's mum dun like Patty. When they interviewed Jolin, his ex GF, she commented "perhaps 'never been together' is his pet phrase!".....this is quite sacarstic as he said the same thing when they asked him about jolin when he went out with patty. hahaha.

i guess when u are male, young, rich, really can get anything u want. some stars when famous really let fame get to their head....sometimes i wonder if its better to be a guy or a girl...seems guys can have more fun......but the only thing is that guys normally have more pressure in society to "achieve" a good career. that can be very stressful.

right now in my office....TGIF....thot tdy i might go down to the PC show cuz i badly need a monitor. monitor have been giving me green and yellow screen for 6 mths...haha...also dunno how i tahan. sigh....tis mth spend a lot liao....and now with monitior , prob another $400 gone. hope there are some good bargains at the show. very sian work on this island....not flexible to go out ....can only wait for the bus at the designated time. in office now, there are 4 gals and 5-6 guys. but so quiet always.....dunno whats wrong with this office?

tend to mix with the secretary more cuz she is bubbly and siow siow. the rest are all around the same age group but just mostly keep to ourselves. hmmm.....i guess in spore there are just too many cliques......too many different back grounds. u could only mix on the surface.

my mum was just telling me about some of her park walking friends.....all of them of aunty type or housewives and they all chit chat in the evening while exercising in the park....although can talk but my mum still feel she is not totally like them cuz they are all chinese educated and 100% chinese speaking. my mum can speak mandarin but still she said the way they think is very different. its different when u are eng or chinese educated. so she can never 100% blend in.
as for the super duper english speaking type, they are very "keep to themselves" type...not so sharing and in the park only smile smile and then go home.

my mum still feels more comfortable with the group of chinese speaking frens cuz they are more warm but still cannot 100% adjust or be very very close.
sometimes i feel to retain dialect is also advantegeous. cuz no matter u are eng or chinese educated, once you can all speak a common dialect, u really click.
aiyah...anyway...spore i feel is still rojak lah.....our education system, sometimes focus on eng, then now on mother tongue....upside down.

only advantage we have to probably we can watch both eng and chinese movies without any subtitles at any one time! hahaha.


Have a really odd colleague.....she likes to expose people's age during their bday!
dunno why...i mean normal pple wont normally advertise how old you are unless 1. you are a kid or 2. very old.

during my bday tis year, she put exactly the number of candles on the cake for me. thus my whole office knows how old i am. not that i really care...but this can be really insenstive.
and today, is my boss birthday...she send an email to wish him and cc all of us ...the title of the email is "HAPPY 45th BIRTHDAY!!"....aiyoo...mad or what...odd lor i find. my boss is male and yes he still looks quite young etc...but why must give pple a birthday greeting like that with AGE all published for everyone in the world to see?

this girl is 1 yr younger than me....but all along i thot she is the oldest in my dept cuz she dress very old and no make up type.