Monday, September 05, 2005

why french food is $$$

ah...French food! paris yah....all that refine i know why french food is seldom cheap.....cause french cooking is really quite feaking detailed! finally attended a french cooking class last weekend. thot "hey time i can cook something authentic..." but woah....its a lot of work just for a simple 3 course meal! and the ingredients used must be fresh and all created from scratch. quite a lot of work.
thats why the food taste fine.
the chef that taught us used things like fresh vanilla pod and also made his own hollandise sauce (spelling).....u know to make that sauce, you need to reduce white wine vinegar, whisk the mixture over warm water etc ..... over all i can imagine being dead tired after all the preparation and steps. no wonder the chef said he hardly eat at the restaurant cuz after work, its straight to home and sleep!
but the work was worth it esp when pple marvel at the beauty and taste of the food. french cusine is very small in portion but rather rich so, you will be full but not really fat. haha....
and now i know why Olio stopped serving that delicious exclusive french butter with their bread, cause that piece of butter easily cost S$1 a piece! so i guess cost buay tahan liao, have to use Anchor butter. apparently French butter taste nice cause of higher fat content...but i think there is more to that.