Thursday, July 29, 2004

2am again on a weekday

ok, finally a pic here of my idol JC.  somehow the photo software suggested by this blogger site is not really good....the quality of the images is not 100% as the orginal! what a waste.

really felt happy from 15-19 jul as JC was finally in town again ....after nearly 2 years!
he hasnt really changed and is still that kind of down to earth person whom u think u know pretty well. had to organise a gathering and it was damm fun and also amusing. the gathering was held a a rather quiet , new and charming cool backpackers place on Mt Emily. lucky that my sis knew of this place from her designers. and the place is only 3 months old!!

it was a beautiful evening where the rain stopped from the morning and early afternoon and a cool breeze accompanied everyone during the whole event^^ just perfect! the party was held on the rooftop of this new place. JC liked the place a lot too and kept looking around at the decor and surroundings. could see at the end of the party he didnt feel like leaving, just wanted to sit down not move and relax. but oh well, star being a star, always have to listen to manager's schedule in hand....

ok....cant write anymore as my brain is getting that numb feeling again (eg tired and need sleep now!)......zzzzzzzzz.....hello dark eye circles .......

me and my "ou xiang"!! (of 7 years)......Mr JC. Posted by Hello

Thursday, July 22, 2004


a month since i last wrote in my blog! how lazy can i get? i never seem to stick to something for long. this is my big problem. or maybe its not....perhaps i am just curious and yearn to learn more about the earth while i am still living on it. u know ...maybe i am a special pisces-human who was sent to earth to get as much info as possible.....

yesshh...who wants to stop at one place for so long?

well anyway, i shld get writing something, i think i dun let go of my imaginative thots enough....everything is just in my complicated mind. my fren writes really well in her blog, in fact so well it sounds like its for publishing .....if she werent married, maybe she will be something like spore brigette jones. haha. hope she can find a career related to her writings ....feel that spore need women like us to say something!!!!

another thing why i didnt write for a month is because 3 weeks ago i heard news that my favourite singer/idol will be in town! its awfully crazy but i have been following this guy for like what....7 years?!! oh well, that is just how time can slip away.....its definitely a weird feeling to describe to frens how this kind of idol worship behavior can happen but perhaps its just that i know this group of nice people who are great friends too who are also fans of this singer.

maybe one day when, they stop, i will stop too or vice versa. but meanwhile, we all still having fun chasing this singer around.